React VS Angular

React VS Angular: A Complete Comparison by Themeies

React vs angularReact

React is a library of JavaScript, which is designed with the idea of reformative UI components used for creating progressive user interfaces. A software engineer at Facebook named Jordan Walke built the library in 2011, which became stable in 2015.


Virtual Dom

It allows creating a fast application with the help of the readjustment of memory.


JavaScript XML creates the outlook of any UI application along with developing blocks of React.

One Way Data Binding

React follows it to improve the ability and get better control of the applications.


React contains multitudinous components that ascertain the visuals in the application.

angular vs reactAngular

Angular is a potential JavaScript platform that is perfect for single-page applications (SPAs). It was developed by MiskoHevery and Adam Abrons in 2009 and the rights are not reserved. Moreover, anyone can contribute to the project. Google is now in the maintenance of this framework. It is becoming a stage where highly-functional applications are being built.


Model View Architecture

It helps to create an architecture for making better applications with saving a huge amount of time.

Unit Testing

It helps to find out mistakes in code, and make sure every application is working the way they should be working.

Data Binding

Reflect changes in the model and view layers simultaneously.


Angular is developed by Google who has dedicated a team of developers, resources and money for the research and development of this language.

React VS Angular: When To Use And Why?

The prime advantage of React is that it can reuse the components. If the developer wants to increase productivity and maintain the application properly, he/she can surely choose this platform.

It helps with the constancy of the application and simplifies the maintenance of the code. ReactJs can be used for massive loaded and potential solutions. Using the virtual document object model, it can save a lot of time with better user performance.

When the application is suitable for all the other browsers, then choosing AngularJs is the best decision. The data binding system in this platform helps developers finish their code with precise and short writings.

If developers want to simply enable the application to build and test, then AngularJs has a default built-in subsystem by which they can test their applications. Moreover, it is extremely easy to use and make changes to an existing application.

The Ultimate Battle Of React VS Angular

Architecture: Angular is a framework that uses MVC architecture to develop mobile or web apps. MVC stands for Model View Control, and these three steps are completely integrated for development. The model deals with data and the logic related to it. So, if there is any work where a database is involved, the model component of the architecture takes care of it.

The view is the user interaction with the mobile or website app. The third layer of MVC is a controller that works as an intermediary. With the help of this layer, the user uses model and UI to navigate around the app/ website. On the contrary, React is more focused on the front-end, and you need the support of additional libraries and frameworks for React applications.

Component: Component of React is a class of JavaScript, and accepts input from the user and shows the output through its elements. For Angular, there are three components – template, class, and metadata. The template is used to provide the application view and is also integrated with the combining of data.

Class is written in Typescript and is used to write codes for the view part of the application. Lastly, metadata is used as an ornamentation of the Angular code and is an additional class to define the structures and features.

Angular VS React Performance: The performance of React depends so much on its compositions. It focuses on virtual DOM, i.e. if any change is made within the code, then it will detect only that change instead of changing the whole tree structure, resulting in fast responses and less load time.

In contrast to Angular, which is a component-based language, but it is mainly a framework for mobile and web applications. It does not focus on virtual DOM, rather maintains the traditional DOM. Angular is not as fast as React, but with the new version, it is on par with React. The use of SPA architecture makes it efficient for a dynamic and complex web.

Compatibility: React is more compatible than Angular and uses JavaScript ES6+ and JSX script. This helps to simplify the coding and makes it similar to HTML. As a result, it is easy to learn and friendly to the developers. React 16, however, can be made compatible with any of its older versions.

It also has the added benefits of asynchronous rendering. However, Angular can be made backward compatible up to its 2nd version, which is a major drawback given that not all people operate with the same version. This requires the applications to be updated to the latest version so that the app works better.

Web/App/Mobile Development: React is a JavaScript library platform for UI development. It is an open-source community for developers. Angular is an open-source JavaScript platform for web and mobile development. Moreover, React can be used in web and mobile development concurrently.

It can be used to make single-page and multiple-page web applications. For mobile development, React combines with Cordova. Also, there is an additional structure for the mobile development, which is called React Native. Angular is also used in web and mobile development.

In Angular mobile development, most of the work is done by Ionic. It has a mobile development structure, named the Native-Script. Angular can also be used for single-page and multiple-page web applications.

State Management: It is a challenging part of the application, and many developers face problems maintaining and updating the state. However, React has several features to offer for it. Each React component has its state, which can be used to create other components to contain several parts of an application’s state.

Also, passing data manually around various levels of the component tree can be done in React. In simple words, you can use React itself for state management of applications. On the contrary, state management in Angular is harder than the other one. You need to learn different libraries to implement the changes.

However, for a simple application, implementing libraries makes the architecture of the application pretty difficult. Hence, you can take advantage of the hierarchy in Angular. The parent is considered to be a stateful component; any changes made, is stored as a child of that parent, which is considered to be stateless.

Data Binding: It is also known as merging and is an important thing in web applications. It builds a connection between the UI and the custom logic of the app. Angular implements two-way data binding. It allows the platform to connect with DOM and to the Standard data through the Controller.

This affects the application as a checker and is created for each merging to track all the changes in DOM. React supports one-way data binding; so, the data is directed only one way. This makes it much easier to fix any problems in the project while working with bigger apps.

Testing and Debugging: In Angular, one single tool is used for end-to-end testing and debugging in a browser, for example, Jasmine, Karma, and many more. Testing and debugging is just a simple task here. You just have to follow the instructions, and also Google upgrades focus on bug fixing.

In React, separate tools must be operated for different types of testing. The following tools are suitable: Enzyme for component testing, Jest for JavaScript code. It is generally easier to grasp, multiple operations are required for testing the software. Debugging takes more time than Angular due to additional steps.

Community: Angular is a product of Google, and the LTS (Long-term-support) improvement played a role in the large community of this platform. Despite some negative reviews, it has got a large community than React. Google keeps updating the software, which works in favor of the developers.

The ratings of React are better in this case: 70% of professional developers prefer to use this software for web development. The community is increasing day by day as it was developed by Facebook in 2013. It is a fast-growing community where constant learning is encouraged.

Current Trends: If we see the Google Trends survey, React is the most popular Javascript library. In the job field on Stack Overflow and Upwork, the job opportunities are two times higher for professionals who use React than those who use Angular. Some also follow the trend of going with the flow.

As Angular was from Google, due to the reputation of Google, they tend to choose it. For a large scale project, it is the first choice. The professionals who like to follow the trend of straight forward commands, like to choose Angular over React.

The language and framework that is required for any application to build are entirely dependent on the requirement of the application. However, the languages itself indicate their robustness and usefulness for a particular situation. Similarly, both have similar features and are used to make web and mobile applications.

However, it is seen that many developers prefer to use React over Angular. The prime reason for the popularity of React is its flexibility. With this, you can easily build one layer over the other. It is especially useful when adding complexity and extra features and functionality to the existing application.

On the other hand, Angular lacks flexibility. Whenever any changes are needed, the whole architecture of the application needs to be modified. This makes any update hectic and expensive. Thus, React is more popular amongst developers and companies.


To Wrap Up

All in all, React VS Angular is all about both the advantages and disadvantages like any other frameworks and libraries. However, it is completely to the developers and the requirements of the applications that determine which framework, library, and language need to be used.

Like as Microsoft and Facebook as leading tech firms using React. On the other hand, Gmail, Apple, and Adobe producing high quality and less time spent reliable products by using Angular.


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