WordPress Vs HTML | A Complete Comparison – Themeies

If you own an eCommerce business, one of the most crucial tasks that you will have to carry out is to build your very own website. It may sound like a single, easy task, but you have to take many factors into consideration while building a website. The first step to initiate this task is to choose the way you are going to build your website. This article will describe WordPress Vs HTML to help you decide whether you want to use WordPress; a content management system, or Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) to build your website. So let us see, which is more convenient for you?

WordPress Vs HTML – The Key Differences to Learn


Both WordPress and HTML are great to build sites for business. Here, we tried to keep the key differences to make a comparison in terms of their various technical characteristics. Hopefully, it will help you make a wise decision regarding this term.

Visual Differences

WordPress allows you to build your website any way you want using a visual screen. This dynamic visual screen displays the options and categories from which you will be able to choose your desired options. Using WordPress will be easier in terms of visual advantages because HTML, on the other hand, is a static webpage that only includes codes, simple images, and videos that will not be that pleasing to the eye.

It will have a blank screen displaying the difference between the white background and the codes in black. So, if you are thinking of visual attraction when creating your website, WordPress may be the better option for you.

Creating Your Website

WordPress Vs HTML

In order to create a website using HTML, you have to know how to code. In fact, the ability to code is very essential, since it is the only way a website can be created using HTML. You must have in-depth knowledge related to coding, otherwise, it will be next to impossible for you to create your website using HTML.

In contrast, creating your website using WordPress will be pretty easy, since all the aspects of creating a website will be presented before you, and all you have to do choose your desired options by using a simple drag and drop technique.

Website Speed

As mentioned above, HTML is a static webpage, while WordPress is built in PHP language. Commands in the PHP language take relatively more time to be executed than those in static pages. Adding plug-ins and additional features makes the platform slow down further due to the rich content. Therefore, running a website using HTML will be much faster than using WordPress.

If speed is an important factor for running your website, then you should definitely ponder upon the fact that static web pages have their own advantages, such as a great speed compared to that of content management systems like WordPress.

Required Skills


If you use HTML, then you have to create everything on your own, from scratch. You will have to know the technique to input codes in HTML, which is not very easy. You won’t be offered any options or categories or even any ideas. The result totally depends on the knowledge you bear about websites and how to make them.

Also, you will have to know the exact codes to generate the features that you want on your website. On the other hand, WordPress offers thousands of templates, themes, and features to get your website up and running in no time. You won’t have to put in much effort and yet, the task will be completed.

Staying Up To Date

Updating your HTML website can be a very hectic task if you don’t know much about coding. And even if you do, it is still a very time-consuming task. Making the tiniest changes to your website, starting from adding new content to opening a new page, everything requires the input of codes that you have to have a piece of thorough knowledge about. 

On the other hand, WordPress allows you to update literally everything with just a single click. Be it updating your content, opening a new page, or even updating plug-ins and features, you are good to go with a step as simple as clicking a button.

How Much Can You Control?

WordPress is easier to control compared to HTML. You won’t need to input any codes for anything. Everything is placed at the tip of your fingers, already coded, ready to use. Using WordPress allows you to gain full control of your website. You can be the sole authority and make changes any time you want without ever needing any kind of professional help.

This is not the case with HTML where you will most likely require assistance or even have to hire web developers to do the job for you. In this battle of WordPress Vs HTML, WordPress clearly bags the trophy of allowing you to be in control with minimum work.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is very important when it comes to building a website. If search engines cannot find you, what is even the point of creating a website? People won’t even know your website exists, resulting in you failing to promote your business and incurring losses. WordPress offers a wide range of SEO features that will make your website visible to search engines.

Likewise, SEO in HTML websites should not be underestimated too. Since you have to build your website brick by brick, any type of customization can be possible with the right type of coding to generate outstanding SEO tools.


The functionality of your website plays a very vital role in your business. In this case, both WordPress and HTML can provide the same degree of functionality. The only difference between the two is that it is much easier to create and manage tools in WordPress due to the fact that everything is arranged in a single dashboard.

On the contrary, HTML requires a lot more hard work than that compared to WordPress. It is also very time-consuming to code each and everything. Otherwise, there is no major difference between the functionality of these two website-building platforms.

Professional Education

With HTML, you will have a variety of things to learn every single day, in every single task. You will be able to learn new coding techniques and exercise your brain to generate new ideas to apply to make your website successful. But since WordPress does almost everything for you, the educational potential of this platform can be said to be nonexistent.

You can use WordPress even if you don’t know anything about building a website. You still won’t know a thing after you have built one using this platform because all you have to do is choose from some options that are laid out in front of you. And spoon feeding someone can never be educational.


WordPress Vs HTML

Maintaining your website can be quite difficult at times due to your busy schedule or other, more important pending tasks. In this case, WordPress may be more difficult for you to maintain due to the possibility that the platform may need updates that have to be installed from time to time whenever the developer offers a new version.

However, this is not the case with HTML. Since HTML bears static content, it needs little to no maintenance at all. You are your own developer, so if you ever feel like updating anything, it will be totally up to you. Therefore, if you want a low-maintenance platform, HTML may be more convenient for you than WordPress.

Will You Be Safe?

One of the main concerns when building a website is its security. If your website is not secure, everything starting from your transactions to product delivery will go awry. Since WordPress allows you to use additional plug-ins and features, it also adds to the risk of being hacked.

The installation of every plug-in poses a potential security breach, making it easier for hackers to take control of your website. HTML does not allow you to use ready-made plug-ins, the only risk of a security breach is when the host server faces any problem. Hence, HTML may beat WordPress when it comes to security.

Money Matters

WordPress Vs HTML

A business decision always needs to be viewed from an economic perspective. Decisions need to be made with proper consideration. And economical consideration should be applied in this case too. When it comes to being economical, WordPress is the better choice since it is free of cost. The only money that you will have to spend is on web hosts which don’t cost much annually.

Conversely, if you use HTML and know nothing about coding, you will have to hire web developers for the pettiest of tasks. Web developers cost a lot of money per hour, so let us not even go to the expense that you will have to bear annually. Hence, decide wisely.

Final Thoughts

To sum it up, both WordPress and HTML have their own perks. It all depends on the type of service you are looking for, and the factors that top your priority list. If you know how to code like a professional, you can definitely opt for HTML, but WordPress is more suitable for beginners as it will be an easier and faster way out for them. Hope the debate of WordPress Vs HTML will be over now. If anything seems missed out, don’t forget to share your thoughts.

Till then, keep in touch with our latest articles.


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